You want to buy a fishbowl for yourself or for your child, but you don't know what to put in it. With this article, we will tell you what kind of fish you can put in it, how to decorate your fishbowl and how to maintain it. We hope you will enjoy it.
What fish to put in a bowl?
If you've just bought a fishbowl, you should know that you can't just put any fish in a jar. The jar is designed to hold one fish or two at the most. If you put more, they may not have enough oxygen to breathe and may die. You can also put goldfish, a fighter or shrimp instead. Goldfish and fighters are the only fish you can put in a jar, because they are cold water fish and do not need heating or a pump.
Decorating the bowl
Unfortunately in a jar, you can't put much decoration, otherwise your fish won't have enough room to swim. You can put some gravel in the bottom of your jar, some shells and an aquatic plant in the middle or a small decoration. Above all, do not forget to not overcrowd your jar for the well-being of your fish.
Maintenance of the bowl
If you choose a jar with only one goldfish in it, you will have to clean it completely once a week. If on the other hand, you have 2 fish in your jar, you will have to clean it twice a week. To clean it, it's simple: 1- Fill a container with cold water and put your goldfish in it. 2- Remove the plant and the stones from your jar and wash them carefully with clear water. 3- Wash your jar with soapy water and rinse it well. 4- Put your pebbles back in and your plant or decoration that you have chosen. 5- Fill it with water and you can put your goldfish back. If you bought a fighter, you only need to change 1/3 of the water every week. If you want a tip, don't feed them too much, otherwise you will have to change the water every day, because it will become cloudy.
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